Alija 87 epizoda - Turske-Serije.Net

Alija / Aaliya

Alija 87 epizoda

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Alija 87 epizoda

Prevod čitateljka Vivan 98. Hvala!

capture-20150509-212055Barkath informise sve o Aaliyinom stanju. Govori Fahadu da zovne doktora. Aaliya govori Zainu da se osjeca kao da je jela nesto kiselo. Zain kaze u redu i krene, a onda naglo stane i okrene se. Sokirano je pita da li je trudna. Doktorica pregleda Aaliyu. Pita je koliko dugo je u braku. Aaliya krene reci, al Zain je preduhitri i kaze 4 mjeseca. Pita doktoricu kakve to veze ima. Doktorica kaze da onda trebaju da urade test za trudnocu. Svi osim Nafise i Shaziye su srecni cuvsi to. Doktorica kaze da moze biti i da je uznemirila stomak sa necim,ali da prvo uradi test za trudnocu prije nego sto joj propise antibiotike. Citava porodica cestita Zainu i Aaliyi sto ce postati roditelji. Aaliya tuzno gleda u Zaina.

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* polja sa zvezdicom su obavezna

Ghulam srecno cestita Usmaanu sto ce postati djedovi. Usmaan cestita Zainu sto ce postati otac. Shabana i Soraiya se srecno zagrle. Usmaan govori Chand bibi da donese slatkise. Ona donosi. Srecno hrane jedni druge slatkisima,dok se Aaliya i Zain gledaju zabrinuto. Rizwan govori da ce biti musko,a Aayat zensko. Prepiru se. Zain i Aaliya se i dalje gledaju. Shaziya govori Nafisi da ne moze da vjeruje da je Aaliya trudna i da je Zain glumio da je ne voli. Nafisa kaze da ce Aaliya i njeno dijete zavladati kucom ako je test pozitivan. Shaziya joj govori da je za sve kriv njen brat,Rizwan. Da radi njega nije mogla izbaciti Aaliyu i ubaciti Gauhar. I da nije bilo Rizwana da bi Gauhar sad bila trudna. Prepiru se. A onda Shaziya ugleda Fahada i signalizira Nafisi. One se pocnu smjeskati i govore da su krenule u svetiliste da se mole za Aaliyu. Fahad im govori da prvo srede njihove razlike/ odnos i da onda idu u svetiliste.Nastavak na sledećoj strani

Hej, pozdrav! Dvoje administratora, uz naše izvrsne moderatore, konstantno brine o vama, osluškuje i ispunjava vaše želje! Rekoh dvoje, pa da se predstavimo, moje ime je Igor i zadužen sam za tehničke detalje, njeno Tina i ona je i autor i tehnički asistent. Toliko za sada, čujemo se na sajtu!


  1. Sara Saki Ilic says:

    Ja koliko sam epizodu na hindu razumela mislim da je Safi rekao da je Zain poljubio ujnu Aaliyu u zadnjicu i da tako beba dospe do stomaka xDDD ahaha

    • Vivian 98 says:

      Hahahaha e ne znam. Ovako pise na engleskom. Gledam i bez prevoda pa dopunim sto razumijem. Taj zadnji dio nisam ni razumijela. 😀 Neka ostane obraz,kulturnije je 😀 Vjereovatno si u pravi ipak ti znas hindi. 🙂

    • Irma says:

      E pa stvarno, dete se pita kako bebe dospejvaju u stomak, posto niko mu nedaje odgovor, on sam napravi poentu o tome…HAHAHA

  2. Martina (EMDE) says:

    zein je kralj gde se setio da ga je iskoristila dok je bio pijan i kako je stegao Aliyinu ruku dok je dala krv

  3. ja says:

    AHHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Ja njih volimmm…a pogotovo njega.. ma NAJBOLJI JEE

  4. Niki says:

    Epizoda je super,bas me zanima sta će biti kada dodju Aliyini rezultati.Najbolja scena je sa iglama.Kako se Zain uplasio a Aliya nista haha.Opet je bila hrabrija od njega

    • Vivian 98 says:

      Hahah ja se opet slazem u potpunosti. Mnogo puta je Aaliya hrabrija sto je jako simpaticno. Njihovi pogledi i izrazi lica su definitivno za medalju. Svi se raduju samo njiih dvoje sokirani. Jos se pitaju kako moze biti trudna. HHHahahaah stvarno su komicni. 😀

  5. Vivian 98 says:

    Sad sam citala novine “Svijet sapunica” i ima onaj isti inttervju o Zainu i Aaaliiyi koji sam nedavno postavljala. Pise da su zajedno,a novine su od ovog mjeseca. 😀

  6. Irma says:

    Aaliya i Zein nisu zajedno u privatnom zivotu

  7. Irma says:

    Citala sam da dok je trajalo snimanje da se Zein zabavljao sa Nafisom…

    • Sara Saki Ilic says:

      Ali to je bilo kad je trajalo snimanje, serija se je završila.

      • ja says:

        Ne znam,mada bih iskreno voljela../

      • Irma says:

        Sad on ima drugu ,.
        10.05.2015. 19.11, “Disqus” је написао/ла:

        • ja says:

          odakle ti too :((

          • Irma says:

            Znam citam o njima stalno
            10.05.2015. 19.16, “Disqus” је написао/ла:

          • ja says:

            i ja..ali nisam naisla na to../

          • Irma says:

            Imas na youtube video kako se slikavaju za jedan casopis,slike su predobre 10.05.2015. 19.25, “Disqus” је написао/ла:

          • ja says:

            kad mognes ostavi link u kaficu../
            Da je vidim..mada na fb stranici sam naisla na njegovu sliku sa Preetikom ali nije iz serije vec..iz zivota..nez sta da jednoj strani pise da je on izjavio da nema vremena za djevojke a na drugoj da je u vezi sa Preetikom..

          • Irma says:

            Ne znam ni ja vise,svi razlicito pisu cas jeste cas nije
            10.05.2015. 19.40, “Disqus” је написао/ла:

          • Vivian 98 says:

            Postavljala sam ja te slike i video za taj casopis. Ako ga nadjem ostavicu tu u kaficu. 😀

    • Vivian 98 says:

      Da. Ja sam citala da su to oboje demantovali. I Zain i Nafisa. I da su rekli da su bili bas dobri prijatelji,njih dvvoje i Fahad.

      • ja says:

        e dobro je.//

        • Vivian 98 says:

          Sad ne znam sta je istina. Sto se tice Nafise i Zaina ,oboje su demantovali. A sto se tice Zaina i Aaliye mediji pisu da su zajedno. Msm nasi novinari. A sve se brzo sazna. Za mnoge glumce i poznate licnosti se sazna kad su zajedno ili kad su raskinuli.

          • ja says:

            The dashing guy Harshad Arora and pretty girl Preetika Rao
            who have gained immense popularity among the audience for essaying the character
            of Zain and Aaliya in Colors’ much loved show Beintehaa (produced by Fortune
            Productions) made their television debut with this show.

            Their on-screen chemistry, whether it has been romantic
            scenes, their roothna-manana or their nok-jhoks have always connected well in
            the hearts of the audiences. Popularly called as Harshika, Harshad and Preetika
            share a very friendly rapport with each other off-screen just like Tom and
            Jerry; always pull each other’s legs and tease each other. Though
            Beintehaa is going off-air but they have given lots of memories to fans to
            cherish forever and they are taking some with them as well being each other’s

            TellyBuzz quizzed the adorable and fun loving Harshad and
            Preetika about their journey with each other in Beintehaa, some memorable
            moments and much more…

            How has your experience with each other been?

            Preetika – Its been
            really good. When we started off then we really didn’t know each other
            but as we got comfortable with each other, our chemistry grew. He
            is a very good co-star to work with and the best co-star probably I
            could debut

            Harshad – I think
            she is correct that she is got the best co-star to work with (laughs) and the
            same goes to me also that I have got a very good co-star. She is very patient
            and I really like this about her. I really try to bring this quality of her in
            myself. Its been a really amazing journey since day one till now; Bhopal,
            Lavasa, Beintehaa set and all the outdoor shoots all it has been a fantastic

            Any crazy off-screen
            memory with each other?

            Harshad – We
            always keep on doing hasi majak.

            Preetika – We continued
            with our jokes and pranks till our last day of shoot.

            Harshad – There was
            an intense scene of Aaliya ji where she tries to come and gets naughty with
            Zain so Aaliya ji full mood mein aa gayi
            thi uss time…

            Preetika – He was
            just teasing me saying that ‘Mood mein aa
            gayi ho tum’ and I was getting angry on him.

            Harshad – Aaliya
            ji gets involved in her character so much…

            So, he keeps teasing
            you like this all the time…

            Preetika – Oh ya
            ya! I get teased all the time by him whenever I do any romantic scenes with
            him. He says – Aaliya ji mood mein aa
            rahi hain and all that.

            What do you want to
            say to the fans who made Zaya so popular?

            Harshad – Fans are
            the guys who made the show, who love the show, who gave the show what it
            deserves and gave us what we deserve. I would really like to thank them and say
            to them that we love you guys so much. Its because of you we have, whatever we
            have today and its because of the love of fans which brought Beintehaa so far. Unfortunately
            it had to end one day but unexpectedly the day came little earlier than expected
            but that’s the life of an actor that a show starts and then comes to an end.

            Preetika – I think
            any television series should be short and sweet; it shouldn’t be stretched too
            much that the audience gets bored and I am happy that Beintehaa is ending on a
            right and an interesting note.

            Silliest prank you
            have played on each other?

            Harshad – I have
            played too many pranks on her; everyday.

            Preetika – They have
            been too silly that I have always caught him… I haven’t fallen in any of them.

            Harshad – No, no…
            she has! In the middle of a shot, I just tell her that its my ‘shot’
            whereas it used to be her shot. So, the camera is rolling and she doesn’t react
            and used to realize that after
            sometime. So, we just used to laugh over it.

            One thing you like
            and one thing you dislike about each other?

            Harshad – I think
            dislike zyada hoga aur like kam (laughs).

            Preetika – I can’t
            call it dislike but he has a habit of teasing everybody on the set from the
            actors to the productions people. So, sometimes we all are like – just stop;
            you can’t keep doing this all the time (laughs). He is a very hardworking actor
            and a very supportive co-star that I like about him.

            Harshad – She has tremendous patience that I really like about her.

            Preetika – He calls
            me Patience ki Devi.

            Harshad – Yeah! Aaliya ji Devi ji hain… Sarvguun Samppan…!!
            There is nothing like I dislike about her but she has a very bad habit of
            laughing in the middle of the shots. She laughs even on smallest things for no

            Preetika – It
            happens because everybody on the set makes me laugh. Just before a scene
            starts, they crack some crazy jokes and I start laughing. Everybody else is
            allowed to laugh but when I laugh, then they question me as why am I laughing.

            Harshad – The best
            part is that she has to laugh in the middle of the shots not otherwise.

            Any embarrassing fan
            compliment you have come across?

            Preetika – Yea! A
            lot of girls write to me that – We have a Girl Crush on you but I have never
            really heard about this term ‘Girl Crush.’

            Harshad – There are
            a lot of girls on the set as well who have a crush on her (laughs).

            Preetika – There was
            a fan who wrote to me that if I was a guy then I would have proposed you. It
            was really funny (laughs).

            Harshad – There was
            a very weird question a fan asked me once – How do you get rid of acne? I didn’t
            know how to react to that. I said that may be you should talk to your dermatologist (laughs).

            Both of you were finalized for some other show before Beintehaa happened. So, what was your reaction when you got to know that you will be working again in Beintehaa with each other?

            Harshad – I was
            like – Okay… there we go, again!

            Preetika – I had
            a kind of thought that Harshad is destined to work with me because we
            were earlier finalized for some other show and also when I met him in
            the audition,
            somewhere I had this Intuition that may be Harshad will be selected and
            he was.
            In between I was told that there is some other guy who auditioned with
            us is finalized but still I thought that may be he is still destined to
            work with me
            and that intuition was true.

            Harshad, tell us your
            favorite scene of Preetika?

            I liked her performance where she breaks down in the hotel
            and she also got an applause for that.

            Preetika, which is
            your favorite scene of Harshad?

            There have been a lot of them! His entry as Rocket has been
            the most striking one. He had put in a lot of effort as an actor.

            Any compliment you
            have received from each other?

            Harshad – I keep
            complimenting her but she doesn’t. Aaliya
            ji taarif karein to badi baat hogi..!! Aaliya ji kanjoos hai.

            Preetika – (laughs)
            Harshad keeps cracking jokes so much that sometimes it becomes hard to make the
            difference whether he is joking or actually praising (laughs). Yeah… he calls
            me Mallika E Cherish, Mallika E Beintehaa and all.

            Harshad – Aaliya ji kanjoos hain taarif karne mein
            but she is a combination of good looks and talents.

            Preetika – I am
            lucky to have him as my co-actor. We didn’t know each other before but still
            our on-screen chemistry came out well.

            Harshad – Credit goes
            to Aaliya ji and unke expressions…!!

            Any memorable moment
            with each other?

            Preetika – There have
            been a lot of moments while shooting. Especially Harshad plays pranks
            and make everyone laughs with his confusing sense of humor.

            Harshad – That confusion
            is just for Aaliya ji (laughs).

            Who among you makes
            the other laugh while enacting any scene?

            Preetika –
            Harshad takes the award here! He cracks a joke and I used to listen from
            everyone as why am I laughing. Even our directors Maan and Ankur have a good
            sense of humor and they keep cracking jokes and make everyone laugh.

            One suitable word for
            Harshika would be…

            Harshad and Preetika –

            What you gonna miss
            the most about the other?

            Preetika – I will
            miss Harshad’s sense of humor and his confusing
            taarifon ke pul (laughs).

            Harshad – She is
            a sweet girl. Its hard to find such co-actors. Not everyone understand a joke;
            they take things personally but she has never ever done that.

            Reveal one hidden
            talent of each other?

            Preetika – He can
            mimic everyone very well.

            Harshad – She is
            a very good singer. Acting to mashallah… but when she sings, it feels as if a nightingale is singing… itna madhur gaati
            hain yeh..!!

            Reveal one secret of
            each other?

            Harshad – Aaliya ji
            never tells her age to anyone. So, it’s a secret.

            Preetika – I prefer
            hiding rather than lying and nowadays even guys don’t tell their age. So, why
            should we tell our age?

            Preetika, time to
            reveal a secret of Harshad…

            Harshad – I don’t
            think I am having any secret. Main ek
            khuli kitaab hun…

            Preetika – I don’t
            know any secret about him. He is right; khuli
            kitaab hain yeh (Chuckles)…

            Would you like to
            work together again in future?

            Preetika – Yes,
            why not!

            Harshad – It has
            rarely happened in television that the lead co-stars have been repeated in some
            other show. We would definitely like to work with each other in future might
            not as Zain Aaliya again but with same people.

            Preetika – Let’s
            see, if something good will come up our way then would definitely like to be a
            part of it together.

            Fans want to see you
            back on-screen together. Any message for them?

            Harshad – Keep your
            blessings and keep loving us and always remember that miracles do happen.

            Preetika – Yea
            right! I believe in destiny. Beintehaa was a destined show and we were destined to work with each other. If its written in the destiny then it will
            happen; if not today then some other day.

          • Vivian 98 says:

            Jako zanimljivo. Vidi se da imaju fantastican odnos. I sto se tice ovog kraja i ja bi voljela da ih vidim u jos jednoj seriji a vidim da bi i oni to voljeli. 😀

          • Sinderella says:

            I ja sam sad procitala, zanimljivo je.
            I slazem se,i ja bih volela videti zajedno u jos nekoj seriji.

          • Vivian 98 says:

            Znala sam da se Harshad uvijek sali tako da im nikad nije dosadno. 😀 A i Preetika se uvijek smije . Kad sam gledala njihove intervjue uvijek se ona smije. 😀 A on joj daje neke nadimke. Bas su simpaticni.

          • Sinderella says:

            Lice jedan drugome.

          • Irma says:

            Fantasticani su!

          • Sinderella says:

            Da, i lepi su, i Aaliya i Zain.

          • Irma says:

            Preslatki su!

          • Sinderella says:

            A i zanimljive odgovore daju na ovaj intervju.

          • Vivian 98 says:

            Ostavila sam ti u kaficu link gdje poziraju. 😀

          • ja says:

            Hvala :* :* <3

          • Vivian 98 says:

            Nema na cemu,i drugi put. :*

          • Irma says:

            E pa stvarno mogla si nam ovaj tekst prevest, ja sam sad znatezeljna sta tu pise, ja neznam engleski i kako cu da znam sta je sadrzaj ovog dijaloga?

      • Irma says:

        Pa sta je tacno da su bili prijatelji ili da su se zabavljali?

  8. ja says:

    Posjetite fb stranicu
    Preetika Rao & Harshad Arora ima mnogo informacija..kao i ta da je Harshad ( Zain) rekao da bi volio da je Beintehaa duze trajala..i ima mnogo slika../

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