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Balika Vadhu
Balika Vadhu 23rd September 2013 Written Update
Balika Vadhu 😆
At haveli, Jagiya told everyone, he has to go to Mangalore coz ganga was arrested. Sumi stopped him n asked why he is shocked, whats the guarantee that the accusation on her is not wrong. For her only he broke his rista. Jagiya shouted she is not a thief but then toned down n said she must be very helpless, he has to go there for help. Sumi shouted he doesn’t have the duty for her for life time. She will get help like she got before too. Jagiya said he is not wrong at all. This time he didn’t do any drama. They have to trust him. He has to go to ganga n abt to leave. Sumi again stopped him holding his hand. Sumi asked rest to stop him, it’s her excuse to call him. She must be provoked jagiya to break the rista. Jagiya stunned seeing sumi’s reaction n said she will never understand ganga n left. Sumi stunned. 😈
At Mangalore lock up, ganga was shouting that she was not wrong. Police threatened her to confess. Ganga said bala accused her wrongly. Police said how she will believe. Ganga said if she has any kid. Police said yes. Ganga said she is saying the truth on the “kasam” of her kid n a mother wont tell lie.
At KB, all were sad. Saanchi came. All got bit worried. Saanchi nonstop started saying abt her party how much she enjoyed. Seeing all so tensed, she asked them .Ira said jagiya came there last night but cudnt complete n hugged saanchi. Saanchi worried thinking anything wrong at haveli. Shiv said nothing happened there. Jagdeesh broke the rista. He didn’t want to get married. saanchi stunned. Saanchi cudnt believe n said to shiv its his very bad joke. Shiv said its not a joke, he indeed broke the rista. Saanchi shocked n said jagdeesh can’t do this to her.
At haveli, sumi was hyper thinking how jagiya broke the rista like that. Bhairon tried to calm her down but no result. Sumi continued with her irritation over jagiya n then accusation on ganga. Bhairon tried to make her understand he trusts jagiya now. He told them that he has no time to go to KB but he went there. He went there, so there must be some reason which they don’t know yet. so they have to keep patience.
At KB, saanchi froze. All worried. Saanchi was getting jagiya’s fbs. Ira tried to snap her out. saanchi smiled awkwardly. She still cudnt believe n said there must be some misunderstanding n she will clear it. She tried to call jagiya but his cell was switched off. She got hyper n said how his cell is off. Ira tried again n said he indeed broke the rista . saanchi again got hyper n started throwing things .all stopped her. She started her blabbering going to each n aaking why he did that. Shiv tried to calm her down saying she has no “kami”. Its jagdeesh who broke the rista, so that she wudnt have any problem in future. But Saanchi continued with her throwing thing n shouting that how she confessed her love n how much she loved him.ira tried to calm her down but saanchi still on her hyper mood said he has to marry her, he can’t leave her like that. All worried.
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Precap- Anandi tells everyone that all are blaming jagiya without knowing the truth. Saanchi shouts anandi must be fill poison in jagdeesh’s mind against her. Anandi says she said the poisonous lines for badi haveli ppl at the coffee shop where both(jagiya-anandi) were present. Jagiya heard all things. All stunned.
auuuuuu,pa sto sve na engleskom????
A ti pređi tamo gdje je na srpskom 👿 hahaha
a ja bas dosla ovamo,hahahahha. kao da cu razumeti sta pise 🙂 🙂 😀 …
Hahaha valjda isto što i tamo pod današnjim datumom,samo što su sada ubacili i na engleskom, ne znam zašto,a li vjerovatno će ovo stavljati odmah kad izađe epizoda, a kasnije prevoditi kad stignu 🙂
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa,a tako ??hahaha,pa dobro..ovde mi nekako mirnije 🙂 ..mala oaza 🙂 .poput etno sela 😀