Balika Vadhu
BV, 27th September 2013,Ira slaps Jagi
Anandi (A) is thinking to herself that she has not spoken to Jagya (J) after the incident and she has no clue what’s on his mind. Now that the Shekhars have decided to go to Jaitser and meet the family to apologize she want’s to atleast know what’s on J’s mind. A calls J up when he informs her that he is in Mangalore and relays all the happenings on Ganga (G). A is shocked but relieved to know G is fine. She asks J if she can talk to G, when J tells her that he will talk to her later as they have to leave to the airport urgently.
The Singhs are getting ready to go to the hospital to attend the navrathri pooja. Sumitra is worried since no one has spoken to J since he left.
The Singhs are in the hospital attending the pooja. DS prays to God to remove them of this trouble. Just then the Singhs are left shocked seeing J, Ganga, Ghanshyam kaka and Mannu enter the hospital. J asks Kaka to keep the luggage in his cabin. Sumitra is left furious. J tells G that they should go inside and clean Mannu’s mouth since he was eating a chocolate. An angry Sumitra accompanied by the Singhs barge into the room where J and G are. Mannu calls out to Sumitra when Sumitra tells Kaka to take Mannu outside. Sumitra walks upto G and tells her that she is very well aware that J is engaged, in spite of that why does she shadow him all the time. She blames G saying that J broke his engagement because of G.G is shocked to hear this. J interrupts Sumi to ask her why she was blaming G, But Sumi asks him to keep quite. She continues to blame G for being the reason for J breaking up his engament with a beautiful and well mannered girl like Sachi and coming so far to help G. Sumi asks her why she is pretending to be shocked when she knows everything. Bhairav also tries to cool her down but Sumi continues taunting G. She balmes G to trapping J with some reason or the other and forcing him to come to meet her. She blames G to be shameless and for getting too accustomed to the comforts of the haveli that she doesn’t want to leave. J agains tries to stop Sumi but she yells at him saying that nothing seems to change him for the better. Sumi again shouts at G asking her what is her relationship with J. Hearing this G runs away from the room crying. She tells Kaka to leave right away. J follows her trying to stop her from going. J holds G hand and stops her. He asks her where she plans to go. G tells him that she will go elsewhere but cannot stay here. She pleads to J to let her go and realizes that he was holding her hand tight. In the next scene they show the Shekhars arriving at the hospital.
Back in the hospital G requests J to leave her. She tells him that he has helped her a lot and given her a new life but she doesn’t want him to do any more favors on her. She says that Sumi was right that they have no relation with each other. J only felt pity for G and gave her support. She says that although she is indebted to him he doens’t have the right to stop her from going. She begs him to let her go. The Singhs and Shekhars arrive at the scene just then and the Shekhars are shocked to see J and G together.
J holds both of G’s hands and tells her that he has every right to stop her. He says that till now he was unaware of this right, but he will not let her go now. He says that he has every right to stop her since he loves her. This leaves the Shekhars and Singhs shocked. Saying this he takes G near Devi maa’s statue. They are followed by the Singhs and the Shekhars. He tells G that he loves her a lot and after today no one can separate her from him. J then takes the vermillion placed in front of the Goddess’s idol and fills G’s ‘mang’. Everyone is shocked to see this. Sachi is so furious that she grabs G’s arm and shouts at her for snatching J away from her. She is about to slap G when J stops her from doing so. J tells Sachi that forget about slapping G he will not let her even touch her. He asks Sachi to talk to him since G has nothing to do with this. Shiv comes in defense of his sister and asks J to leave her hand as he has no right to touch her. J leaves her. Lal Singh requests the village folk who were present for the pooja to leave. Sachi complains to J why he took such a drastic step even without talking to her. She swears saying that she lied to her friends in the hospital to avoid them making fun of her. She says that if J leaves her she will not be able to stay alive. Sachi then runs to Sumi requesting her to make J understand not to break the relationship based on a misunderstanding. Bhairav asks her what misunderstanding was she talking about.
Daddu tells Bahirav that Sachi told her friends some wrong things to avoid them teasing her. J believed this and broke the marriage. Bhairav asks J what happened when Shiv angrily says that J will have nothing to say. J then says that he realizes everyone is hurt by his actions but he has his reasons for doing so. Shiv tells him that no reason can be that big, that he spoils his sister’s life. Shiv and Sachi start shouting at J. A tries to cool down Sachi when she angrily pushes A away saying that she is not talking to A’s ex-husband. She needs her answers. S demands an answer when J says that he did the right thing, although he took time to realize it He tells Shiv that although he is hurt today with time Shiv will realize that J did the right thing. Shiv calls J a moralless person from who nothing good can be expected.
Sumitra then runs to G shouting at her saying that she now realizes that Rat wanted to kill her since she used Rat till she needed him and as soon as J came into the picture she left Rat. Sumi continues to yell at G when J asks her to keep quite.
Ira slaps Jagi saying that he spoiled three girls lives. She declares that they have nothing to do with the Singhs or anyone connected to the Singhs from now on. She asks A to make a choice between the Singhs and the Shekhars. A and J are left shocked.
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